Thursday, March 17, 2011

hello kitty cake

This is a birthday cake of my niece, Patricia. She turned 5 years old this year.
She got hello kitty themes for her birthday and voila, there goes the cake :D
I didnt bake this cake, but I think its very pretty and cute. a chocolate cake with ganache filling and covered with fondant :)

cute, isn't? :D

and it also had cookies with same themes. These cookies also inserted inside the goodie bag :D

I'd like to make something like this someday :D

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Baking Red Velvet Cake - waldorf astoria cake

I made this cake for celebrating my niece birthday, she's turning 5 tomorrow! :D

Red velvet cake or waldorf astoria cake had blazzing red color that stunning :) it has a tender and moist texture despite its looks. The cake itself also had a sweet and very light taste. it is a perfect cake for any occasions :) This always been my favorite even before the trends strikes the town ;p

The original recipe use cream cheese for frosting, but since it's too damn expensive I substitute it with Whipped cream, which resulting it does taste like Blackforest cake, but its tasty nevertheless